Power Supply Assembly 2369490
2369490 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
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- Over Voltage Protection
- High efficiency
- Multiple outputs
- Low output Ripple
Product Overview
- This Power supply assembly provides 6 different DC output voltages, the assembly is enclosed in a mechanical structure with neccesary output and input cables. This power supply offers following outputs:
- +5 V Single Output 6 A
- ±5 V dual Output 3 A
- ±12 V dual Output 3 A
- +24 V sigle output 6.5 A
- +15 V single output 1.7 A
- +5 V Single output 10 A
- The Input of 110 VAC for the power supply assembly is given by a 4 pin Mate-N-Lock type connector. The outputs are connected to DAS power Cable (CN80), DCP Power cable (CN81), Temp. cont power cable (CN75), DAS fan power cable (CN73), OGP & DTRF power cable (CN71) and RF power cable (CN74). In circuit fuse protection provides over current protection.