Cable Collimator to Data Acquisition System CAN (H4) 2333314
2333314 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
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- Super flexible cable
- Easy to connect and disconnect
- D-Sub connectors for solid and reliable connection
- Flame retardant cable
Product Overview
This cable assembly is used in Computed Tomography. This acts as an interface between the collimator and data acquistion system.It comprises of a standard 15 position D-sub connector at one end and a right angle 15 position D-sub connector at the other end. D-Sub Connectors are electrical connectors with two or more parallel rows of pins or sockets surrounded by a D-shaped metal shield that screens against some electromagnetic interference, provides mechanical support, and ensures correct orientation.The cable used is a super flexible with 15 conductors. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cables are versatile, high in tensile strength, flexible, good conductors and easy to joint. This cable assembly is compatible with Light Speed,Light Speed Pro Computed Tomography System.